What is the syntax for the switch and case statement in C++?

The switch statement is often a good alternate for multiple if..else if...else statements.

switch (expression)
  case someConstantValue1 :
    // Your code goes here...
 case  someConstantValue2:
    // Your code goes here...

So lets look at this using an integer variable intValue and we will show you some other syntax capabilities.

switch (intValue) {

  case 1 :
    // Your code goes here...

  case 2 :
    // Your code goes here...

  case 3 :
  case 4 :
    // Both options 3 and 4 will run the same code
    // Your code goes here...

  case 10 :
  case 5 :
    // The options don't have to be in order but you may want to keep them order because you can.
    // Your code goes here...

  default :
    // Anything that doesn't match will run this code.
    // Your code goes here...

Keywords: C++ switch case break syntax

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  1. roofing Tin says:

    roofing Tin

    What is the syntax for the switch and case statement in C++? | Rhyous

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